young 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文でマスターしよう!

比較級 最上級

young 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文でマスターしよう!

youngは誰でも知っている単語ではないでしょうか?今回はyoungの比較級 最上級についてお伝えしたいと思います。

young 品詞 意味





1.She is a young girl who just started kindergarten.

2.The young couple fell in love when they were in high school.

3.His ideas are fresh and innovative, showing the creativity of a young mind.

4.The young leaves on the tree are bright green in the spring.

young 反対語・対義語

old 反対語 対義語

young 比較級 最上級





young 比較級 例文

1.My younger sister is very talented in playing the piano.

2.In our family, John is the younger of the two brothers.

3.Sarah is the younger of the two twins, but she’s taller than her sister.

4.The younger generation is more tech-savvy than the older one.

5.Among the group of friends, Jane is the younger one, but she’s the most adventurous.

6.Despite being the younger team, they managed to win the championship.

7.The younger students are always full of energy and enthusiasm.

8.My younger brother excels in sports, particularly in soccer.

9.Emily is the younger cousin, but she often takes care of her older relatives.

10.The younger employees are more open to new ideas and changes in the company.

11.Even though he is the younger student in the class, he is the top performer academically.

12.The younger generation tends to be more environmentally conscious.

13.Sarah’s younger daughter is a bit shy, while her older daughter is very outgoing.

young 最上級 例文

1.She is the youngest in the family, and she gets a lot of attention from her parents. (彼女は家族で一番年下で、両親から多くの注意を受けます。)

2.Among all the students in the class, Tim is the youngest. (クラスの中でティムは一番年下です。)

3.The youngest child in the group is always full of curiosity and wonder. (グループの中で最年少の子供はいつも好奇心と驚きにあふれています。)

4.Being the youngest in the team, she had to work extra hard to prove herself. (チームで一番年下である彼女は、自分を証明するために余分に努力しなければなりませんでした。)

5.The youngest member of the band plays the drums, and he’s incredibly talented. (バンドの一番年少のメンバーはドラムを演奏し、非常に才能があります。)

6.The youngest in the group always brings a sense of innocence and joy to the gatherings. (グループの中で最年少の人は、集まりに無邪気さと喜びをもたらいます。)

7.He is the youngest in a family of five siblings, and he’s often spoiled by his older brothers and sisters. (彼は5人兄弟姉妹の中で一番年下で、よく兄弟姉妹に甘やかされます。)

8.The youngest player on the basketball team is known for his lightning-fast speed on the court. (バスケットボールチームの一番年少の選手は、コートでの素早いスピードで知られています。)

9.Being the youngest executive in the company, she has already achieved remarkable success. (会社で一番年少の幹部である彼女は、既に注目すべき成功を収めています。)

10.The youngest generation often has a different perspective on social issues. (最年少の世代は、社会問題に対する異なる視点を持つことがよくあります。)

11.The youngest sibling is usually the one who has the most photos in the family album. (通常、家族のアルバムに最年少の兄弟姉妹の写真が最も多いです。)

12.The youngest member of the club proposed a unique idea that everyone loved. (クラブの最年少メンバーは、皆が気に入ったユニークなアイデアを提案しました。)

13.The youngest students in the school were excited to participate in the science fair. (学校の最年少生徒たちは、科学フェアに参加するのが楽しみでした。)

