passive 反対語 対義語 意味を例文で抑えよう!


passive 反対語 対義語 意味を例文で抑えよう!

passiveは少し難易度が高く感じられる単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はpassiveの反対語 対義語についてお伝えしたいと思います。理解して使えるようになりましょう!

passive 品詞 意味





The passive voice is often used in academic writing.

The employees were informed about the changes in the company’s policies.

The book was read by millions of people around the world.

The situation at the office is becoming increasingly passive, with employees reluctant to take initiative.

His teaching style was criticized for being too passive, lacking engagement with the students.

passive 反対語 対義語


active 反対語 対義語




「active」の意味は:活動的な、積極的な、能動的な です。


She leads a very active lifestyle, participating in various sports activities every week.

Regular exercise is important to maintain an active body and mind.

The company encourages its employees to take an active role in decision-making processes.

An active volcano poses a constant threat to the surrounding area.

The children were encouraged to play an active role in cleaning up the neighborhood park.

encourage 人 to do 意味・例文・使い方

The new medication helps patients stay active and engaged in daily activities.

He’s an active member of the community, always volunteering for various projects.

The company launched an active marketing campaign to promote its new product.

Jane has an active imagination, often coming up with creative solutions to problems.

Being active in social causes can lead to positive change in the community.

The active ingredient in this medicine helps to relieve pain quickly.

help to 不定詞(do)  意味・例文・使い方

The team took an active approach to problem-solving, brainstorming ideas and implementing solutions swiftly.

passive 反対語 対義語を使った会話例

A: Hey, B! You look really active today. What have you been up to?

B: Thanks, A! Yeah, I’ve been trying to stay active lately. I joined the track team, so I’ve been practicing every day after school.

A: That’s awesome! I remember when you used to be more into gaming than sports.

B: Yeah, I realized I needed to change things up. Being active not only feels great physically but also helps me clear my mind and stay focused.

realize that 意味 例文 使い方

A: I get what you mean. I’ve been trying to be more active too. I started hiking on weekends and even picked up a new hobby – rock climbing.

B: That sounds exciting! Being active doesn’t always mean doing the same thing all the time. It’s about exploring and trying new things that keep you engaged and moving.

keep O C 意味・例文・使い方・問題

A: Totally agree. It’s all about finding what works for you and makes you feel alive.

B: Exactly! So, what’s your next active adventure?

A: I’m planning to try out kayaking next weekend. I’ve heard it’s a great full-body workout and a fun way to explore nature.

B: That sounds amazing! Count me in if you need a kayaking buddy.

A: Absolutely! The more, the merrier. Let’s stay active and adventurous together!


A: ねえ、B!今日はすごく元気そうだね。最近何してたの?

B: ありがとう、A!そうなんだよ。最近は積極的に活動してるよ。陸上チームに入ったから、毎日放課後は練習してるんだ。

A: それはすごいね!昔はゲームよりもスポーツに興味があったんだよね。

B: そうなんだ。自分を変えなきゃと思ってね。体を動かすことは、体だけでなく気持ちもリフレッシュして集中力も高めるんだ。

A: 分かるよ。私も最近もっと活動的になろうとしてるんだ。週末にはハイキングを始めて、新しい趣味としてロッククライミングも始めたんだ。

B: それはワクワクするね!活動的でいるっていつも同じことをするということじゃないよね。新しいことを試してみたり、興味を持って行動することだよ。

A: まったくその通りだね。自分に合った方法を見つけて、自分が生き生きと感じられることを見つけるんだ。

B: そうなんだよ!じゃあ、次のアクティブな冒険は何かな?

A: 来週はカヤックを試してみる予定なんだ。全身を使うトレーニングになるし、自然を探検するのにも楽しいって聞いたんだ。

B: それはすごいね!一緒に行きたいなら声をかけてね。

A: もちろん!みんなで楽しくアクティブに活動しよう!

