expensive 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文で確認しよう!

比較級 最上級

expensive 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文で確認しよう!

expensiveは英語に触れているとよく出会う単語ではないでしょうか?今回はexpensiveの比較級 最上級についてお伝えしたいと思います。

expensive 品詞 意味



expensive 反対語 対義語




1.This designer handbag is very expensive.


2.Eating out at fancy restaurants can be quite expensive.


3.The cost of living in this city is so expensive compared to other places.


4.Traveling during peak holiday seasons can result in expensive airline tickets.


5.Although the hotel is beautiful, its room rates are quite expensive.


expensive 比較級 最上級


“Expensive”(高価な)の比較級は “more expensive”(もっと高価な)です。


最上級は “most expensive”(最も高価な)です。

expensive 比較級 例文

1.This restaurant is more expensive than the one we usually go to.

2.The new smartphone is more expensive, but it has better features.

3.Traveling during peak season is always more expensive.

4.Organic produce tends to be more expensive than conventionally grown ones.

5.High-end fashion brands are usually more expensive than mainstream ones.

6.Buying a house in the city center is more expensive than in the suburbs.

7.Flying first class is more expensive, but the comfort is worth it.

8.The handmade jewelry is more expensive, but it’s unique and beautifully crafted.

9.Upgrading to a larger hotel room is more expensive, but it provides extra space.

10.Special edition books are more expensive because of their limited availability.

11.Choosing a custom-made suit is more expensive, but it fits perfectly.

12.Eating out at fine dining restaurants is more expensive, but the culinary experience is exceptional.

13.Opting for a premium subscription offers more features, but it’s more expensive than the basic one.

expensive 最上級 例文

1.The luxury yacht in the harbor is the most expensive one I’ve ever seen.

2.This limited edition watch is the most expensive in the entire collection.

3.The penthouse suite at the hotel is the most expensive accommodation they offer.

4.Among all the paintings in the gallery, this one is the most expensive masterpiece.

5.The custom-designed sports car is the most expensive model in the showroom.

6.Buying a mansion in that upscale neighborhood is the most expensive real estate investment.

7.The couture gown worn by the celebrity was the most expensive dress at the awards ceremony.

8.The vintage wine from the private collection is the most expensive bottle in the cellar.

9.The high-end watch brand is known for producing the most expensive timepieces.

10.The pentagon-shaped diamond is the most expensive gemstone in the jewelry store.

11.The first-class ticket on this airline is the most expensive option for the flight.

12.The VIP package for the concert is the most expensive, but it includes exclusive perks.

13.The custom-built computer with top-of-the-line components is the most expensive in the store.

