say that 意味 例文 使い方を学びましょう!


say that 意味 例文 使い方を学びましょう!

sayは誰でも知っている単語といっても過言ではないのではないでしょうか?今回はsay thatについてお伝えしたいと思います。

say that 意味

意味は that 以下を言うです。

1.”She didn’t say that she was coming to the party tonight.”


2.”I can’t believe he would say that about his own friend.”


say that 使い方

thatは接続詞なのでthat以下に完全な文が来ます。( say that S V)

“He didn’t say that he had already finished the project.”


say that 例文

1.”I say that honesty is the best policy.”


2.”She says that the movie is worth watching.”


3.”They said that the concert was amazing.”


amazing 対義語 2つの使い方を確認しよう!

4.”He says that he will join us for dinner.”


5.”We said that the project is on schedule.”


6.”She said that the weather would be nice tomorrow.”


7.”The professor says that hard work leads to success.”


8.”They say that laughter is the best medicine.”


9.”He said that he likes to travel to exotic places.”


10.”She says that she is not interested in the job offer.”


11.”I said that the book was a captivating read.”


12.”He says that he will support our cause.”


13.”They said that the meeting has been postponed.”


14.”She says that learning a new language is challenging.”


15.”I say that a positive attitude makes a difference.”


16.”He said that he had already finished his homework.”


17.”They say that technology is advancing rapidly.”


18.”She says that she will be late for the meeting.”


19.”I said that the new policy is not practical.”


20.”He says that he enjoys spending time with his family.”


enjoy ing  意味・例文・使い方・問題

