logical 反対語 対義語 意味を豊富な例文で確認しよう!


logical 反対語 対義語 意味を豊富な例文で確認しよう!

ロジカルシンキングなどとによく使われる単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はlogicalの反対語 対義語についてお伝えしたいと思います。

logical 品詞 意味




「logical」は、論理的な、論理に基づいた という意味です。


His argument was logical and well-supported by evidence.

It is logical to conclude that if A implies B and B implies C, then A implies C.

conclude that 意味 例文 使い方

Making decisions based on logical reasoning rather than emotions can lead to more rational outcomes.

The plan seemed logical at first glance, but upon closer inspection, several flaws became apparent.

The detective used logical deduction to solve the complex murder case.

logical 反対語 対義語














1.Despite clear evidence to the contrary, she clung to her illogical belief that aliens were controlling her thoughts.


2.It’s completely illogical to think that skipping meals will lead to weight loss in a healthy manner.


think that 意味 例文 使い方

3.His decision to quit his stable job without having another lined up seemed utterly illogical to everyone around him.


4.The illogical arrangement of furniture in the living room made it difficult to navigate the space.


5.It’s illogical to expect to ace an exam without putting in any effort to study.




1.She had an irrational fear of spiders, screaming at the mere sight of one.

2.Despite all the evidence to the contrary, he clung to his irrational belief that the Earth was flat.

3.His irrational spending habits left him in debt and financial turmoil.

4.Jane’s irrational jealousy drove her to accuse her partner of infidelity without any evidence.

5.The decision to avoid flying due to an irrational fear of crashes severely limited his travel options.


avoid ing  意味・例文・使い方・問題



1.It’s unreasonable to expect a child to sit still for three hours without a break.

2.She made unreasonable demands on her employees, expecting them to work overtime without compensation.

expect 人 to do 意味・例文・使い方・問題

3.Refusing to listen to any opposing viewpoints is an unreasonable approach to conflict resolution.

4.It’s unreasonable to blame the entire team for the mistakes of one individual.

5.Asking someone to complete a project in one day is completely unreasonable given its complexity.



1.His argument was so incoherent that no one could follow his line of reasoning.

2.The student’s essay was full of incoherent sentences, making it difficult to understand her point.

3.Due to the effects of alcohol, his speech became increasingly incoherent as the night wore on.

4.The novel’s plot was so incoherent that many readers struggled to piece together the story.

5.Without a clear structure, the presentation came across as incoherent and confusing.

logical 反対語 対義語を使った会話例


A: Hey B, remember that time we were trying to find your lost keys and you insisted they must have been eaten by a ghost?

insist that 意味 例文 使い方

B: Yeah, I remember. Looking back, that was quite illogical of me, wasn’t it?

A: Definitely! I mean, blaming a ghost for your missing keys seemed a bit far-fetched.

B: I know, I know. I guess I was just so frustrated at the time that I wasn’t thinking straight.

guess that 意味 例文 使い方

A: Well, it made for a memorable moment, that’s for sure. But next time, maybe we should stick to more logical explanations.

B: Agreed. No more blaming supernatural entities for everyday mishaps. Lesson learned!

A: ねえ、B、あの時、君の紛失した鍵を探している時、君がそれが幽霊に食べられたに違いないと主張したの覚えてる?

B: うん、覚えてるよ。振り返ってみると、それってかなり非論理的だったよね?

A: 確かに!まさか鍵がなくなったことを幽霊のせいにするなんて、ちょっと信じがたいね。

B: わかってるよ、わかってるよ。その時はただイライラしてて冷静な判断ができなかったんだろう。

A: まあ、それは忘れられない瞬間になったね。でも次回は、もっと論理的な説明を探した方がいいかもしれないね。

B: そうだね。日常のミスを超自然的な存在のせいにするのはもうやめよう。教訓を得たよ!


A: Hey B, have you ever had that feeling of irrational fear just creep up on you out of nowhere?

B: Oh, definitely! Just the other day, I was walking home alone at night, and I suddenly became convinced that there was someone following me.

A: That sounds terrifying! Did you manage to shake off that feeling?

B: Yeah, eventually. But it’s crazy how our minds can conjure up such irrational thoughts, isn’t it?

A: Absolutely. I remember once during a thunderstorm, I was convinced that the lightning would strike our house, even though I knew it was highly unlikely.

B: Ah, I totally get that. It’s like our brains sometimes just go into overdrive with irrational thoughts, especially in moments of vulnerability.

A: Exactly. It’s like we have to remind ourselves to stay rational and not let fear take over.

B: Couldn’t agree more. It’s all about keeping a level head and not letting those irrational thoughts dictate our actions.

A: ねえB、突然理不尽な恐怖に襲われたことってある?

B: ああ、絶対にあるよ!この間なんて、夜道を一人で歩いていたら、誰かがついてきていると勘違いしてしまったんだ。

A: それは恐ろしいね!その感覚から抜け出せた?

B: うん、最終的にはね。でも、私たちの頭がどんなに理不尽な考えを思いつくか、って本当にクレイジーだよね。

A: まさにその通り。雷雨の中、家に雷が落ちると確信してしまったことがあるんだ。それでも、それは高くないことを知っていたのに。

B: ああ、わかるよ。脆弱な瞬間に、私たちの脳がときどき理不尽な考えに陥りがちだ。

A: まさにそうだね。冷静を保ち、恐怖が支配するのを許さないようにする必要があるんだ。

B: まったくその通り。冷静な頭を保ち、理不尽な考えが私たちの行動を支配するのを防ぐことが重要だ。


A: Hey B, do you remember that time when Mr. Johnson gave us an unreasonable amount of homework over the weekend?

give 人 物  意味・例文・使い方・問題

B: Oh, definitely. It was insane! I mean, we barely had time to breathe, let alone finish all those assignments.

A: Exactly! I swear, it felt like he was on a mission to drown us in work. I couldn’t even enjoy my weekend because of it.

B: Tell me about it. And the worst part was that most of it wasn’t even necessary for our understanding of the subject. It felt like busywork more than anything else.

A: Absolutely. It’s like he’s completely disconnected from the fact that we have lives outside of school. I wish teachers would be more reasonable with their expectations sometimes.

B: Couldn’t agree more. It’s important to challenge us, sure, but there’s a fine line between challenging and overwhelming. I hope he realizes that soon.

A: Me too. Anyway, let’s hope this weekend’s homework is a bit more manageable. I could use a break.

B: Amen to that.

A: ねぇB、あの時のこと覚えてる?ジョンソン先生が週末に理不尽な量の宿題を出した時のこと。

B: ああ、もちろん。狂気じみてたよね!まったく、その全課題を終えるだけの時間もないような感じだった。

A: まさに!彼は僕らを仕事の中に溺れさせる使命感に取り憑かれてるみたいだったよ。そのために週末を楽しむ余裕もなかったよ。

B: その通り!そして最悪なのは、それのほとんどが科目の理解に必要ないものだったってこと。それはむしろただの忙しそうな仕事のような感じだった。

A: まったくその通り。彼は完全に学校以外にも私たちが生活していることを無視しているみたいだ。先生たちが時々自分の期待をもっと理にかなったものにしてくれればいいのに。

B: それに同意するよ。確かに私たちを挑戦することは重要だけど、挑戦と圧倒的な量の仕事との間には微妙な境界がある。彼がそろそろそれに気づいてくれればいいな。

A: そうだね。とにかく、今週末の宿題がもう少し管理しやすいものになることを願うよ。休息が必要だよ。

B: その通りだ。


A: Hey, B, do you remember that time we tried to plan a surprise party for C?

B: Oh, yeah, I remember. That was such an incoherent mess!

A: Definitely! I mean, first we couldn’t decide on a theme, then half of us wanted pizza while the others wanted sushi. It was chaos!

B: And don’t forget about the decorations! We ended up with a mishmash of streamers and balloons that made no sense whatsoever.

A: Exactly! And then, when we finally managed to agree on something, we accidentally spilled the beans to C. It was a total disaster.

manage to 不定詞(do)  意味・例文・使い方

B: Yeah, C walked in on us while we were trying to set up, and all our plans just fell apart. Talk about incoherent execution!

A: Despite everything, though, it turned out to be a memorable night. C was so surprised, even if the party itself was a bit of a jumble.

B: Yeah, it was a mess, but it was our mess. And looking back, those chaotic moments make for the best memories, don’t they?

A: Definitely. Let’s hope our next attempt at planning something isn’t quite as incoherent!


A: ねぇ、B、Cのためにサプライズパーティーを企画した時のこと覚えてる?

B: ああ、覚えてるよ。あれは完全にまとまりのない混乱だった!

A: まさに!まずテーマを決められなくて、半分の人がピザを食べたがっていて、もう半分は寿司を食べたがっていた。混乱しすぎ!

B: それに飾り付けのことも忘れてはいけない!結局、意味不明なストリーマーや風船の寄せ集めになっちゃった。

A: まさに!そして、ようやく何かに合意できたときに、Cにうっかり内緒を教えちゃったんだ。完全な災害だったよ。

B: そうだね、Cがセッティング中にばったり出くわして、計画は完全に崩れたよ。完全にまとまりのないものだった!

A: でも、すべてにもかかわらず、それは思い出深い夜になったよ。Cは本当に驚いてくれたし、パーティー自体はちょっとした寸劇だったけど。

B: そう、それはちょっとした混乱だったけど、それは私たちの混乱だった。振り返ってみると、そんな混沌とした瞬間が最高の思い出になるんだよね?

A: まさに。次に何かを計画する時は、少しまとまりがあるといいね!

