late 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文で確認しよう!

比較級 最上級

late 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文で確認しよう!

late は英会話でもよく使う単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はlateの比較級 最上級についてお伝えしたいと思います。

late 品詞 意味





“The teacher extended the deadline for the late submissions.”


late 対義語 反対語

“Despite being late, they managed to catch the last bus.”


“I’m sorry I’m late for the dinner reservation.”


“Don’t be late for the meeting tomorrow morning.”


“The train was late, so I missed my connection.”


“She realized she was late for the flight and rushed to the airport.”


late 比較級 最上級





late 比較級 例文

“Her flight is later than mine.”


“The second movie is later than the first one.”


“His arrival was later than expected.”


“The sunset is later than it was yesterday.”


“The meeting start time is later than usual.”


“The train departure is later than the scheduled time.”


“The publication date is later than the original announcement.”


“The bus arrival is later than the posted schedule.”


“The delivery was later than the estimated time.”


“The restaurant opening is later than usual today.”


“The completion of the project is later than the initial plan.”


“The store closing time is later than on weekdays.”


“The arrival of spring is later than usual this year.”


late 最上級 例文

“This is the latest version of the software.”


“She always has the latest fashion trends.”


“The news about the incident is the latest update.”


“He provided me with the latest information on the project.”


“The smartphone is equipped with the latest technology.”


“We are awaiting the latest report from the research team.”


“She is always up-to-date with the latest news.”


“The fashion show displayed the latest creations from the designer.”


“The company is known for its commitment to the latest technologies.”


“He is reading the latest novel by his favorite author.”


“The movie premiere showcased the latest special effects.”


“The website provides the latest updates on global events.”


“The research paper presents the latest findings in the field.”


