deny that 意味 例文 使い方を学習しましょう!


deny that 意味 例文 使い方を学習しましょう!

denyは知っていても使うのに躊躇う方も多いのではないでしょうか?今回はdeny thatについてお伝えしたいと思います。

deny that 意味

意味は that 以下を否定する です。

1.The defendant decided to deny that he had any involvement in the crime.

和訳: 被告は犯罪に関与していないと主張することを決定しました。

decide to 不定詞(do)

2.Despite the evidence presented, she continued to deny that she had borrowed the money.

和訳: 提出された証拠にも関わらず、彼女はお金を借りていないと主張し続けました。

deny that 使い方

thatは接続詞なのでthat以下に完全な文が来ます。( deny that S V)

The company spokesperson had to deny that there were any plans for layoffs in the near future.

和訳: 企業の広報担当者は、近い将来に解雇計画があるということを否定しなければなりませんでした。

deny that 例文

1.I deny that I stole the money from the office.

2.He denies that he was present at the crime scene.

3.We deny that we cheated on the exam.

4.She denies that she betrayed her friend’s trust.

5.They deny that they were involved in the argument.

6.The company denies that it manipulated the financial reports.

7.He denied that he had seen the missing documents.

8.The team denies that they used illegal substances during the competition.

9.She denies that she is responsible for the project’s failure.

10.We deny that we ever received unauthorized access to the confidential files.

11.The defendant denies that he committed the crime.

12.They denied that they had been informed about the policy changes.

13.The politician denies that he accepted bribes from the corporation.

14.She denies that she broke the agreement between the two parties.

15.We deny that we have any knowledge of the leaked information.

16.The athlete denied that he used performance-enhancing drugs.

17.The organization denies that it discriminated against certain employees.

18.They denied that they had intentionally damaged the property.

19.The witness denies that he saw the accident occur.

20.I deny that I ever lied about my qualifications on the job application.

