practice ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文でマスターしよう!


practice ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文でマスターしよう!

practiceはカタカナでもよくテレビなどで見るのではないでしょうか?今回はpracticeのing形 現在進行形 過去進行形を豊富な例文と共にお伝えしたいと思います。

practice ing形

“practice” の ing 形は “practicing” です。



“Practice” の現在進行形は “am is are +practicing” です。


1.I am practicing the piano for an hour every day.
和訳: 私は毎日1時間ピアノの練習をしています。

2.She is practicing her presentation skills to improve her public speaking.
和訳: 彼女はプレゼンテーションのスキルを向上させるために、パブリックスピーキングの練習をしています。

3.We are practicing for the upcoming dance performance.
和訳: 私たちは今度のダンスパフォーマンスのために練習しています。


“practice”の過去進行形は「was were+practicing」です。


1.I was practicing the piano when you called.

2.They were practicing for the concert last night.

3.She was practicing her speech while I was reading a book.


1.I am practicing the guitar for the upcoming performance.

2.Are you practicing your presentation skills today?

3.She is not practicing enough for the dance competition.

4.What instrument is he practicing right now?

5.We are practicing new recipes in the kitchen.

6.They are not practicing as diligently as they should be.

7.Is it raining outside? I am practicing indoors just in case.

8.I am not sure if he is practicing or just playing around.

9.Are we practicing the right dance moves for the recital?

10.The team is practicing hard to improve their skills.

11.Why are you not practicing with the rest of the group?

12.She is practicing mindfulness to reduce stress.

13.Is your brother practicing for the marathon next month?

14.The students are not practicing enough for the upcoming exams.

15.Am I practicing too much, or is it necessary for improvement?


1.I was practicing my speech when the power went out.

2.Were you practicing the piano at this time yesterday?

3.She was not practicing enough for the dance recital last week.

4.What were they practicing when you walked into the room?

5.We were practicing the new song when the storm started.

6.They were not practicing as seriously as they should have been.

7.Were you practicing your guitar skills during the summer vacation?

8.I was not sure if he was practicing or just playing around.

9.Were we practicing the right dance routine for the competition?

10.The team was practicing hard to prepare for the championship.

11.Why were you not practicing with the rest of the group yesterday?

12.She was practicing yoga daily to improve her flexibility.

13.Was your brother practicing for the marathon last month?

14.The students were not practicing enough for the final exams.

15.Was I practicing too much, or was it necessary for my improvement?

