wide 反対語・対義語 2つの使い方をマスターしよう!


wide 反対語・対義語 2つの使い方をマスターしよう!




・This screen is very wide.


wide 比較級 最上級


・They gained a wide understanding of the subject.


broad 反対語 対義語





・This road is very narrow.


narrow 反対語 対義語

narrow 比較級 最上級

・The narrow path led us through the dense forest.

・She squeezed through the narrow opening in the fence.

・The small land nestled between the mountains was perfect for building a cozy cabin retreat.

・Despite its small land area, the country boasts an incredibly diverse range of ecosystems.

・The artist carefully traced a thin line along the edge of the canvas, adding a subtle touch to the painting.



・The man had a narrow understanding of the country.




A: Do you remember that narrow street we had to walk through to get to that cool café last weekend?

B: Oh yeah, I remember! It was like a maze, wasn’t it? I thought we were going to get lost for sure.

A: Exactly! It was so narrow that I kept bumping into people coming the other way.

B: And remember that time when we almost got hit by that cyclist zooming past us? Talk about adrenaline rush!

A: Oh man, that was intense! But you gotta admit, navigating through those narrow streets added some excitement to our outing.

B: Definitely. It’s moments like those that make me appreciate the charm of old towns with their narrow streets.

A: Totally agree. Let’s explore more hidden gems like that next time!

A: 先週末あの素敵なカフェに行くために歩いた狭い道覚えてる?

B: ああ、覚えてるよ!迷路みたいだったね?本当に迷子になるかと思ったよ。

A: そうだね!あの道はとても狭くて、向こうから来る人とぶつかりそうになったよ。

B: それに、あの自転車が横を通り過ぎてほとんどぶつかりそうになった時を覚えてる?まさにアドレナリンが出たね!

A: ああ、それは激しかった!でも、あの狭い道を通り抜けることで、私たちのお出かけに興奮が加わったよね。

B: まったくだね。そのような狭い道のある古い町の魅力を感じる瞬間だよね。

A: まったく同感だよ。次回もあんな隠れた宝石をもっと探検しよう!


A: Hey, B, have you ever been to that narrow house downtown?

B: Oh, you mean the one with the tiny entrance and cramped rooms? Yeah, I’ve been there once. It was quite an experience.

A: Yeah, it’s like a maze in there! I remember I went with my family last year, and we were all squeezing through those narrow hallways.

B: Haha, yeah, it’s definitely not meant for claustrophobic people. But I kind of liked the cozy atmosphere inside, you know?

A: True, it did have a unique charm to it. But I couldn’t help feeling a bit uneasy with how close everything was. It’s like you could practically touch both walls at once!

B: I get what you mean. It’s definitely not your average spacious home. But hey, it’s a cool spot to visit, especially if you’re into quirky architecture.

A: Absolutely! It’s one of those places that sticks in your memory. I still can’t believe people actually live in a house like that.

B: Yeah, it’s pretty wild to think about. But hey, to each their own, right? As long as they’re happy with it.

A: Definitely. It’s all about finding what works for you. Anyway, we should totally go check out another unique spot sometime soon.

B: Totally! I’m always up for exploring new places, especially if they’re as interesting as that narrow house.

A: For sure! Let’s make plans soon then. It’ll be another adventure to remember.

B: Absolutely. Looking forward to it, A!














A: Do you remember that time we got stuck in that narrow space during the school trip?

B: Oh yeah, I remember! That was quite an adventure, wasn’t it?

A: Definitely! It all started when we decided to explore that old abandoned building. We didn’t realize how narrow the corridors were until we found ourselves wedged between the walls.

B: Yeah, and it seemed like the more we tried to find a way out, the narrower the space became. It was like something out of a horror movie!

A: I know, right? I was starting to freak out a bit, but you kept your cool. Your calmness really helped us stay focused on finding a way out.

B: Well, I wasn’t exactly calm on the inside, but I figured panicking wouldn’t do us any good. We had to think clearly to find a solution.

A: And thankfully, we did! Remember when we finally stumbled upon that hidden door? It felt like we had discovered a treasure chest.

B: Oh yeah, that was such a relief! Crawling out of that narrow space and into the open air felt like freedom. I’ll never forget that feeling.

A: Same here. It was definitely an experience to remember. But I think next time, we’ll stick to exploring places with wider pathways!

B: Agreed! No more narrow spaces for us. Let’s stick to the open roads from now on.

A: 修学旅行中にあの狭い場所に閉じ込められたこと覚えてる?

B: ああ、覚えてるよ!それはかなりの冒険だったね。

A: 本当に!すべては古い廃墟を探検することに決めたときから始まったんだ。私たちは壁に挟まれていることに気づくまで、廊下がどれほど狭かったかわからなかった。

B: そうだね、そして、私たちが出口を見つけようとするほど、その空間はますます狭くなっていくような感じがした。まるでホラー映画みたいだった!

A: わかるよね?私はちょっとパニックになりかけてたけど、君が落ち着いていたから大丈夫だった。君の落ち着きが、私たちが解決策を見つけるのに集中できるようにしてくれた。

B: まあ、内心ではまったく落ち着いていなかったけど、パニックになっても仕方がないと思ったんだ。解決策を見つけるためには冷静に考えないといけないと思ったんだ。

A: 幸いなことに、私たちは見つけたよね!あの隠れた扉を見つけたときを覚えてる?まるで宝箱を発見したみたいだったよね。

B: ああ、それは本当に救われた感じだったね!あの狭い場所から這い出して、開けた空気の中に出ることは自由のように感じたよ。その感覚は忘れないよ。

A: 私もだよ。確かに忘れられない経験だったね。でも、次回はもっと広い通路のある場所を探検しようと思う!

B: 同意だね!もう狭い場所は避けよう。これからは広々とした道を進もう。

