suppose that 意味 例文 使い方をチェックしよう!


suppose that 意味 例文 使い方をチェックしよう!

supposeは使うのに少し難しいと感じる単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はsuppose thatについてお伝えしたいと思います。

suppose that 意味

意味は that 以下と思う/仮定するです。

1.I suppose that she will arrive at the airport around noon.


2.I suppose that we can go for a walk if the weather clears up.


suppose that 使い方

thatは接続詞なのでthat以下に完全な文が来ます。( suppose that S V)

I suppose that the concert tickets are already sold out.


suppose that 例文

1.I suppose that he likes chocolate.

2.Suppose that we go to the beach this weekend.

3.She supposed that the meeting had already started.

4.Suppose that they win the championship.

5.I suppose that it’s going to rain later.

6.Suppose that the project is completed on time.

7.They supposed that I had already left.

8.Suppose that you win the lottery tomorrow.

9.I suppose that she is telling the truth.

10.Suppose that it snows heavily tonight.

11.He supposed that I forgot his birthday.

12.Suppose that the plane arrives on time.

13.I suppose that we’ll meet again someday.

14.Suppose that you were in my shoes.

15.They supposed that I had the answer.

16.Suppose that it was all just a misunderstanding.

17.I suppose that he will arrive soon.

18.Suppose that we had chosen a different path.

19.She supposed that I had already made a decision.

20.Suppose that you find a solution to the problem.

21I suppose the weather is nice today.

22.You suppose she knows the answer, don’t you?

23.He supposed the meeting was at 3 PM, but it’s actually at 4 PM.

24.We suppose they have already left for the airport.

25.Suppose Mary calls while I’m out; please take a message.

26.Sarah supposed the book was on the shelf, but it’s on the table.

27.Suppose you had a chance to travel anywhere, where would you go?

28.They supposed the project would be completed by now, but there were delays.

29.Suppose I told you there’s a surprise waiting for you at home.

30.We suppose it’s important to finish the report before the deadline.

