stay 三人称単数 三単現 例文でマスターしよう!


stay 三人称単数 三単現 例文でマスターしよう!

stayはカタカナでも広告などで目にする単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はstayの三人称単数 を豊富な例文と共にお伝えしたいと思います。


“stay” の三人称単数は “stays” です。


“Stay” は不規則動詞の一つで、三人称単数の形は “stays” です。以下に文法的な解説と例文を示します。

不規則動詞 “stay” は原形として “stay”、三人称単数では語尾に “-s” を加えて “stays” となります。これは英語の動詞の一般的な活用規則に従ったものです。


1.The cat always stays on the windowsill.

2.He usually stays late at the office to finish his work.

3.The hotel manager ensures that every guest stays comfortable during their stay.

during 使い方


1.She stays at the library until it closes every night.

2.He stays focused on his work to meet the deadline.

3.Taro stays in his room when he wants some alone time.

4.Hanako stays active by participating in various sports.

5.It stays cold in the refrigerator to keep food fresh.

6.She stays calm in stressful situations.

7.He stays true to his principles no matter what.

8.It stays dark in the forest at night.

9.Taro stays positive despite facing challenges.

10.Hanako stays by her friend’s side during tough times.

11.He stays up late to finish his project.

12.She stays indoors when the weather is bad.

13.Taro stays connected with his family through video calls.

14.Hanako stays organized to manage her busy schedule.

15.It stays quiet in the early morning before everyone wakes up.

16.He stays humble despite his success.

17.She stays away from negative influences.

18.Taro stays committed to his fitness routine.

19.It stays hot in the desert during the day.

20.Hanako stays curious and loves learning new things.

21.He stays positive even when things don’t go as planned.

22.She stays close to nature by taking long walks in the park.

23.It stays windy on the coast throughout the year.

24.Taro stays focused on his studies to achieve his goals.

25.Hanako stays loyal to her friends in good times and bad.

stay 文法事項

stay ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文

