spend ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文でチェックしよう!


spend ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文でチェックしよう!

spendは使用頻度の高い単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はspendのing形 現在進行形 過去進行形を豊富な例文と共にお伝えしたいと思います。

spend ing形

“spend” の動詞の -ing 形は “spending” です。



“spend” の現在進行形は “am is are+spending” です。

1.I am spending the afternoon studying for my exams.

2.She is spending a lot of time working on her new project.

3.We are spending our vacation traveling around Europe.


「spend」の過去進行形は「was/were spending」です。


1.I was spending a lot of time studying for exams last week.

2.They were spending their summer vacation traveling around Europe.

3.She was spending most evenings working on her art project.


1.I am spending my afternoon at the library.

2.Are you spending your weekend at home?

3.She is not spending much money on clothes these days.

4.We were spending a lot of time discussing the project.

5.Is he spending his vacation in the mountains?

6.They are spending their evening watching a movie.

7.I am not spending all my savings on this purchase.

8.Are we spending too much time on this task?

9.The children are spending their break playing in the park.

10.She is spending her day working on the new project.

11.Is he spending his money wisely?

12.We are not spending enough time with our family lately.

13.Are you spending your break relaxing at home?

14.They were spending the evening chatting with friends.

15.I am spending my morning preparing for the upcoming presentation.


1.I was spending a lot of time reading novels last summer.

2.Were you spending your evenings at the gym?

3.She was not spending much money on entertainment during that period.

4.We were spending our weekends exploring new hiking trails.

5.Was he spending his holidays with relatives?

6.They were not spending their time on unproductive activities.

7.I was spending a considerable amount of money on car repairs.

8.Were we spending too much time on social media?

9.The children were not spending their weekends indoors.

10.She was spending her evenings practicing the piano.

11.Was he spending his money wisely or frivolously?

12.We were not spending enough time with our extended family back then.

13.Were you spending your free time pursuing new hobbies?

14.They were spending the summer vacation traveling across different countries.

15.I was spending my mornings attending language classes.

