shine ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文で確認しよう!


shine ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文で確認しよう!

shineはing形にした時に綴りで悩んでしまう単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はshineのing形 現在進行形 過去進行形を豊富な例文と共にお伝えしたいと思います。

shine ing形

“shine” の動詞の “-ing” 形は “shining” です。



“Shine” の現在進行形は “am is are+shining” です。


1.The sun is shining brightly in the sky.


2.The little girl is shining her shoes before going to school.


3.The stars are shining in the dark night.



動詞 “shine”(輝く)を過去進行形に変換すると、”was were+shining” となります。

1.The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky.


2.While we were hiking, the moon was shining above us.


3.She noticed that the stars were shining with exceptional brilliance that night.



1.Why is the moon not shining tonight?


2.The stars are shining in the clear night sky.


3.I am not sure if the flashlight is shining properly.


4.Is the streetlight shining near your house?


5.The water is shining as the sunlight reflects off its surface.


6.The car headlights are shining through the fog.


7.The candles are shining softly in the dark room.


8.Why are you not shining in this group photo?


9.The city lights are shining brightly at night.


10.The laptop screen is not shining; there might be an issue.


11.Are the fireflies still shining in the garden?


12.The neon sign is shining brightly outside the store.


13.We are not sure if the lighthouse is shining tonight.


14.Is your smile still shining even on cloudy days?


15.The diamond necklace is shining elegantly around her neck.



1.The sun was shining brightly yesterday afternoon.


2.Why were the stars not shining on that cloudy night?


3.The streetlights were not shining, making the road dark and difficult to navigate.


4.She was wondering why the moon was not shining as brightly as usual.


5.Were the car headlights shining through the fog during the accident?


6.I was enjoying the concert while the stage lights were shining brightly.


7.The fireflies were shining in the garden, creating a magical atmosphere.


8.Was the lake shining under the moonlight when you visited?


9.The candles were not shining during the power outage, leaving the room in darkness.


10.Why were you not shining in the group photo from last year’s party?


11.The neon sign was shining brightly outside the closed store.


12.Were the city lights shining when you arrived at midnight?


13.The laptop screen was not shining, indicating a possible technical issue.


14.Were the distant mountains shining in the sunlight during your hike?


15.I was curious if the old lighthouse was still shining on the rocky shore.


