long 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文でマスターしよう!

比較級 最上級

long 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文でマスターしよう!

longはカタカナでもよく観るので多くの人にとっておなじみの単語ではないでしょうか?今回はlongの比較級 最上級についてお伝えしたいと思います。

long 品詞 意味





1.She has long hair.

2.The Great Wall of China is a long wall.

3.The movie was very long, it lasted for three hours.

long 反対語・対義語

short 反対語・対義語

long 比較級 最上級


“longer” (より長い)


“longest” (最も長い)

long 比較級 例文

1.This road is longer than that one.

2.I need a longer extension cord for my computer.

3.The line at the amusement park got longer as the day went on.

4.She has longer hair than her brother.

5.The documentary film is longer than I expected.

6.The meeting lasted longer than planned.

7.This book is longer than the one I read last week.

8.The new highway is longer but faster to drive on.

9.The winter season in this region is longer than in the south.

10.The warranty for the product is longer if you purchase the extended coverage.

11.I need a longer break to recharge my energy.

12.As we grow older, our days seem to get longer.

13.Her dress is longer in the back and shorter in the front.

long 最上級 例文

1.The Nile River is the longest river in the world.

2.The Sahara Desert is one of the world’s longest deserts.

3.The Amazon rainforest is home to some of the world’s longest rivers.

4.The Great Wall of China is the longest wall ever built.

5.The transatlantic flight from New York to London is one of the longest commercial flights.

6.The Himalayas are home to some of the world’s longest mountain ranges.

7.The Amazon River has the longest river system in the world.

8.The marathon route through the city is the longest and most challenging one I’ve ever run.

9.The longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere is the summer solstice.

10.The Serengeti National Park in Tanzania is known for its longest wildlife migration.

11.Antarctica experiences some of the longest and coldest winters on the planet.

12.The longest tunnel in the world, the Channel Tunnel, connects England and France.

13.The Guinness World Records book features the world’s longest nails, which have not been cut in decades.

