lonely 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文でチェックしよう!

比較級 最上級

lonely 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文でチェックしよう!

lonelyは多くの人が知っている英単語ではないでしょうか?今回はlonelyの比較級 最上級についてお伝えしたいと思います。

lonely 品詞 意味






She often feels lonely because she doesn’t have many friends in this new city. (彼女はこの新しい街にたくさんの友達がいないため、よく孤独を感じます。)

feel 形容詞

The old man sat in his empty house, feeling lonely and missing his family. (その老人は空っぽの家に座り、孤独を感じて家族を恋しく思っていました。)

Being lonely can lead to feelings of sadness and isolation. (孤独は悲しみと孤立感を引き起こすことがあります。)

Even in a crowded room, he couldn’t help but feel lonely, as if he didn’t belong. (賑やかな部屋にいても、彼は自分が場に合っていないかのように孤独を感じずにはいられませんでした。)

Sometimes, a quiet evening at home can be quite enjoyable, but other times, it can make you feel lonely. (時々、家での静かな夜は楽しいことがありますが、他の時には孤独を感じさせることがあります。)

lonely 比較級 最上級

“Lonely” の比較級と最上級の形は次のようになります

比較級 (Comparative)


“Lonelier” は「より孤独な」という意味で、何かを比較する際に使用されます。他の物や状況と比較して、より孤独な状態を表現するために使います。

例: She felt lonelier after her best friend moved to another city.

最上級 (Superlative)


“Loneliest” は「最も孤独な」という意味で、3つ以上のものや状況の中で最も孤独な状態を表現するために使用されます。

例: The abandoned cabin in the woods is the loneliest place I’ve ever seen.

lonely 比較級 例文

She felt lonelier after her sister moved to another country for work.

As the days went by, John grew lonelier in his isolated mountain cabin.

The child became lonelier with each passing year as he had no siblings to play with.

After the divorce, she found herself lonelier than ever, missing her husband’s companionship.

Living in a remote village made him feel lonelier than he had ever felt in the bustling city.

The elderly woman became lonelier with age, as many of her friends had passed away.

Working the night shift at the hospital made him lonelier, as he missed out on social activities with friends during the day.

make O C

during 使い方

Being the only foreign student in the school, she often felt lonelier than the other kids.

lonely 最上級 例文

The old lighthouse on the remote island is the loneliest place I’ve ever visited.

old 反対語 対義語

After the death of her beloved pet, she felt like her home was the loneliest it had ever been.

Lost in the vast desert, he realized he was in the loneliest situation of his life.

The loneliest time of day for him was when he sat down to eat dinner by himself.

The abandoned mansion at the edge of town is considered the loneliest building in the area.

High in the mountains, where few ventured, he experienced the loneliest trek of his life.

The astronaut orbiting the Earth alone described the experience as the loneliest he had ever known.

In the silence of the deep, dark forest at night, he felt like he was in the loneliest place on Earth.

dark 反対語・対義語

deep 反対語・対義語

