live ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文で確認しよう!


live ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文で確認しよう!

liveはよく使われる単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はliveのing形 現在進行形 過去進行形を豊富な例文と共にお伝えしたいと思います。

live ing形

“live” の “ing” 形は “living” です




1.I am living in Tokyo now.

2.She is living her dream of becoming a professional dancer.

3.They are living a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly.


1.I was living in Paris when I met her.

2.They were living happily before the accident.

3.While I was living in London, I studied at the university.


1.I am living my best life right now.

2.Are you living in the moment?

3.She is not living in fear anymore.

4.We are living for the future.

5.Is he living up to his potential?

6.They are not living a lie.

7.Am I living up to your expectations?

8.The birds are living freely in the open sky.

9.She is living with passion and purpose.

10.We are not living in the past.

11.Is he living a balanced life?

12.They are not living paycheck to paycheck.

13.Are you living your dream?

14.I am not living in ignorance.

15.Is she living with purpose?


1.I was living in New York when I received the news.

2.Were you living happily during that period?

3.He was not living up to his own expectations.

4.We were living in a small village before we moved to the city.

5.Were they living together at that time?

6.I was not living a healthy lifestyle back then.

7.Was I living in the past too much?

8.The town was living through a period of economic growth.

9.She was not living in the same city as her family.

10.Were we living with a sense of purpose?

11.They were not living paycheck to paycheck during their early years.

12.Was he living a double life?

13.Were you living independently at that age?

14.We were living in uncertainty during those challenging times.

15.Was she living with regret?

live 文法事項

live 三人称単数 例文

