free 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文でチェックしよう!

比較級 最上級

free 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文でチェックしよう!

freeは中学生の早い段階で習う単語ではないでしょうか?今回はfreeの比較級 最上級についてお伝えしたいと思います。

free 品詞 意味





She got a free ticket to the concert.(彼女はコンサートの無料チケットをもらった。)

free 対義語

The free samples at the grocery store were delicious.

We offer a free trial period for our software.

The children enjoyed their free time in the park.

In a democratic society, people are free to choose their leaders through elections.

The prisoner was finally released and experienced the joy of being free after many years behind bars.

free 比較級 最上級





例: “She feels freer when she’s traveling alone.”(彼女は一人旅をしているとより自由に感じる。)

feel 形容詞




例: “In a democracy, citizens have the freest access to information and expression.”(民主主義では市民は情報と表現への最も自由なアクセスを持っている。)

free 比較級 例文

1.She feels freer when she’s in the mountains. (彼女は山にいるときにより自由に感じる。)

2.With each passing day, he became freer to express his opinions. (日が経つごとに、彼は自分の意見を表現する自由を得た。)

3.As she grew older, she became freer to make her own choices. (年を重ねるにつれて、彼女は自分の選択を自由にすることができるようになった。)

4.The internet has made information freer and more accessible. (インターネットは情報をより自由でアクセスしやすくした。)

make O C

5.In a democracy, citizens are freer to participate in the political process. (民主国家では市民は政治プロセスに参加する自由がある。)

6.He felt freer to be himself when he moved to a new city. (彼は新しい街に引っ越したとき、自分らしさを表現する自由を感じた。)

7.The company’s flexible work policies allow employees to have freer work-life balance. (会社の柔軟な労働政策は従業員により自由な仕事と生活のバランスを提供しています。)

allow 人 to do

8.The freer market conditions led to increased competition among businesses. (より自由な市場状況は企業間の競争を増加させた。)

9.As technology advances, people have freer access to information from around the world. (技術が進歩するにつれて、人々は世界中の情報により自由にアクセスできる。)

10.Freer trade agreements have boosted the global economy. (より自由な貿易協定は世界経済を活性化させています。)

free 最上級 例文

1.In a truly open society, individuals enjoy the freest possible expression of their ideas and beliefs.

2.The Constitution of this country guarantees its citizens the freest speech rights in the world.

3.The freest countries tend to have the highest levels of human development and well-being.

4.Innovation thrives in environments where creativity is allowed to flow freely, making the freest workplaces the most innovative.

5.The freest economies often experience robust economic growth and prosperity.

6.In a liberal democracy, the press plays a crucial role in providing the freest information and holding the government accountable.

7.The freest societies value individual liberties and the rule of law as core principles.

8.It’s essential to foster a climate of trust and cooperation for employees to feel they work in the freest and most productive environment.

9.In a just society, everyone should have the freest access to education and healthcare, regardless of their background or income.

10.The freest people are those who are unafraid to be themselves and follow their passions without external constraints.

