find ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文でマスターしよう!


find ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文でマスターしよう!

findは使い方が多岐に渡る単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はfindのing形 現在進行形 過去進行形を豊富な例文と共にお伝えしたいと思います。

find ing形

“find” の -ing 形は “finding” です。



1.I am finding it difficult to understand this concept.

2.She is finding new ways to improve her skills.

3.We are finding the solution to the problem together.


1.I was finding it hard to concentrate during the meeting yesterday.

during 使い方

2.They were finding interesting places to visit while they were on vacation.

3.She was finding a solution to the problem when I called her.


1.I am finding a new hobby.

2.Are you finding the book interesting?

3.He is not finding the solution to the problem.

4.We are finding it challenging to meet the deadline.

5.Is she finding the training useful?

6.They were finding comfort in each other’s company.

7.Am I finding the right way to the museum?

8.You are not finding the right key to unlock the door.

9.Is it finding a place in the market?

10.They are finding it difficult to believe the news.

11.She is finding joy in simple pleasures.

12.Are we finding a compromise in the negotiations?

13.I am not finding the missing document anywhere.

14.Is he finding success in his new venture?

15.We were finding it easier to communicate in person.


1.I was finding it difficult to focus during the presentation.

2.Were you finding the movie boring?

3.He was not finding the right words to express his feelings.

4.We were finding solutions to the problems together.

5.Was she finding the journey enjoyable?

6.They were not finding the missing item anywhere in the house.

7.Was I finding the right path through the forest?

8.You were not finding the necessary information in the report.

9.Were they finding success in their new business venture?

10.It was finding its way through the maze of options.

11.She was finding joy in small gestures of kindness.

12.Were we finding common ground in the negotiation?

13.I was not finding the motivation to start the project.

14.Was he finding happiness in his new job?

15.They were finding it hard to adapt to the changes.

find 文法事項

find 三人称単数 例文

find that 意味 例文 使い方

find 人 物  意味・例文・使い方

