final 反対語・対義語 2つの意味を抑えましょう!


final 反対語・対義語 2つの意味を抑えましょう!


finalは日常的によく目にする言葉ですが、反対語・対義語となると一瞬考えてしまうことも多いのではないでしょうか?今回は final の反対語・対義語についてお伝えしたいと思います。



・This is our final request.


・This is my final warning; if you don’t stop the noise, I’ll call the police.



You have not yet achieved your final goal.


・After months of preparation, the team is ready for the final competition. (数か月の準備の後、チームは最終の競技に備えています。)

・The final chapter of the book reveals the mystery surrounding the main character. (本の最終章は、主人公を取り巻く謎を明らかにします。)

・The final decision regarding the project’s budget will be made in the upcoming meeting. (プロジェクトの予算に関する最終決定は、今後の会議で行われます。)

・Graduation day is a significant milestone and marks the final step of your academic journey. (卒業式の日は重要な節目であり、あなたの学問の旅路の最終段階を示します。)


・Please open the first page.


・This is my first car, and I’m really excited to start driving it.


・She gave her first presentation in front of a large audience and did a fantastic job.


・My son’s first day of school was filled with anticipation and nervousness.


・It was my first time trying sushi, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it.


・The company’s first-quarter earnings exceeded expectations.


・My present target is to pass the exam.


・We need to address the present issues before they escalate into major problems.


・The company’s present focus is on expanding its market share in Asia.


・In the present circumstances, remote work has become a necessary solution.


・Given the present economic uncertainty, it’s wise to save more and spend less.


・The team is focused on the present task at hand and isn’t thinking too far ahead.


