fear that 意味 例文 使い方をチェックしよう!


fear that 意味 例文 使い方をチェックしよう!

fearは日常会話でもおなじみの単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はfear thatについてお伝えしたいと思います。

fear that 意味

意味は that 以下を心配するです。

1.”I fear that the project may not be completed on time.”


2.”She fears that her children might face difficulties in the new school.”


fear that 使い方

thatは接続詞なのでthat以下に完全な文が来ます。(fear that S Vの形)

“Many people fear that climate change will have severe consequences for the planet.”


fear that 例文

1.”I fear that he won’t arrive in time for the meeting.”


2.”She fears that the storm will damage her house.”


3.”We fear that the budget cuts will affect our department.”


4.”He feared that the news would spread quickly.”


5.”They fear that the political situation may escalate into conflict.”


6.”I fear that my health is deteriorating.”


7.”She feared that the deadline had already passed.”


8.”He fears that his job might be at risk.”


9.”The team fears that the competitor has a technological advantage.”


10.”I fear that I may have forgotten to turn off the stove.”


11.”They fear that the economic downturn will lead to layoffs.”


12.”She feared that her secret would be revealed.”


13.”We fear that the project might not meet the client’s expectations.”


14.”He fears that the new policy will hinder innovation.”


15.”They feared that the negotiations wouldn’t lead to a peaceful resolution.”


16.”I fear that the misunderstanding will strain our relationship.”


17.”She fears that the changes in management will impact job security.”


18.”We feared that the experiment had failed.”


19.”He fears that his absence might be misunderstood.”


20.”They fear that the market trends are not in their favor.”


21.”I fear that the delay in production will impact our delivery schedule.”


22.”He fears that his actions may have consequences on the team’s morale.”


23.”She feared that the economic instability would affect her investments.”


24.”They fear that the information leak might compromise security.”


25.”I fear that my lack of experience may hinder my career advancement.”


26.”He fears that the cultural differences could lead to misunderstandings.”


