different 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文で習得しよう!

比較級 最上級

different 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文で習得しよう!

differentは中学生2年生くらいで学ぶ単語ではないでしょうか?今回はdifferentの比較級 最上級についてお伝えしたいと思います。

different 品詞 意味





“These two books are different in terms of genre.”(これらの二つの本はジャンルが異なります)

different 対義語 反対語

「His approach to problem-solving is quite different from mine.」(彼の問題解決のアプローチは、私のものとはかなり異なります。)

「The two sisters have different tastes in music.」(その二人の姉妹は音楽の好みが異なります。)

「Learning a new language can be challenging, but it’s a different and rewarding experience.」(新しい言語を学ぶことは難しいかもしれませんが、それは異なるものであり、やりがいのある経験です。)

different 比較級 最上級


「more different」


「most different」

different 比較級 例文

This year’s fashion trends are more different from last year’s.

The two proposals were similar, but the third one was more different.

As we traveled to different countries, the cultures became more different.

The new version of the software is more different than I expected.

The tastes of the two dishes were similar, but the textures were more different.

The second draft of the report is more different from the initial one.

The two theories share some similarities, but the approaches are more different.

The twins look alike, but their personalities are becoming more different as they grow older.

In the world of art, each artist’s style becomes more different with time.

The various species in the ecosystem are becoming more different due to environmental changes.

The feedback from different participants was expected to be diverse, but it turned out to be even more different.

As technology advances, the features of new gadgets become more different from their predecessors.

The more I explore different genres of music, the more different preferences I discover.

different 最上級 例文

Among all the paintings in the exhibit, this one is the most different.

In the group, her perspective on the project is the most different from the others.

The third option on the menu is the most different in terms of ingredients.

Out of all the seasons, winter is the most different in terms of weather conditions.

Among the candidates, her approach to problem-solving is the most different.

This new model of the car is the most different from the previous versions.

The conclusion of the research study was the most different from what was expected.

Out of all the designs, this one is the most different in terms of color scheme.

Among the options, the last one is the most different in terms of functionality.

In the series, the final episode is the most different from the rest.

Among the team members, his background and experience are the most different.

The perspectives of the two authors in the book are the most different in the last chapter.

This software update is the most different in terms of user interface.

