decide that 意味 例文 使い方を学びましょう!


decide that 意味 例文 使い方を学びましょう!

decideは使われる頻度が高く、文法問題でも頻出の単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はdecide  thatについてお伝えしたいと思います。

decide that 意味

意味は that 以下を決定するです。

1.I decided that it was time to pursue my dream of becoming a musician.


2.After much consideration, she decided that taking a gap year would be beneficial for her personal growth.


decide that 使い方

thatは接続詞なのでthat以下に完全な文が来ます。(decide that S V)

We all discussed the options and finally decided that a collaborative approach would be the most effective solution.


decide that 例文

1.I decide that it’s time to pursue a new career path. (新しいキャリアの道を進む時が来たと決断する)

2.She decided that traveling alone would be a great adventure. (彼女は一人旅が素晴らしい冒険になると決めた)

3.We decided that taking a break was necessary for our well-being. (私たちは休憩が健康に必要だと決断した)

4.They decided that starting a small business was a worthwhile endeavor. (彼らは小さなビジネスを始めることが価値ある試みだと決めた)

5.He decides that learning a new language will broaden his horizons. (彼は新しい言語を学ぶことが視野を広げると決める)

6.The team decided that improving communication was crucial for success. (チームはコミュニケーションの向上が成功に不可欠だと決断した)

7.It was decided that hosting a charity event would benefit the community. (慈善イベントを開催することがコミュニティに利益をもたらすと決められた)

8.Sarah decided that adopting a rescue dog was the right thing to do. (サラは保護犬を飼うことが正しい選択だと決めた)

9.They decide that taking a gap year before college is a wise decision. (彼らは大学に進む前に1年間のブランクを取るのは賢明な決断だと判断する)

10.The committee decides that implementing new policies is essential for progress. (委員会は新しい方針の実施が進歩に不可欠だと決定する)

11.I decided that confronting my fears was the only way to overcome them. (恐怖に立ち向かうことがそれらを克服する唯一の方法だと決めた)

12.The board decided that expanding the company internationally was a strategic move. (取締役会は企業を国際的に拡大することが戦略的な一手だと決断した)

13.She decides that pursuing a graduate degree will enhance her career prospects. (彼女は大学院の学位を追求することがキャリアの展望を向上させるだろうと判断する)

14.We decided that implementing eco-friendly practices is crucial for sustainability. (私たちは環境に優しい実践を導入することが持続可能性にとって重要だと決定した)

15.The community decided that renovating the park would benefit everyone. (地域は公園の改修がみんなに利益をもたらすと決めた)

16.They decided that investing in renewable energy was a smart financial move. (彼らは再生可能エネルギーへの投資が賢明な財政的な一手だと決定した)

17.It was decided that organizing a team-building retreat would improve workplace morale. (チームビルディングのリトリートを開催することが職場の士気向上につながると決まった)

18.The mayor decided that upgrading the city’s infrastructure was a priority. (市長は市のインフラをアップグレードすることが優先事項だと決断した)

19.He decides that volunteering at the local shelter will make a positive impact. (彼は地元のシェルターでボランティア活動をすることが良い影響を与えるだろうと決める)

20.The team decided that adopting agile project management methods would enhance productivity. (チームはアジャイルなプロジェクト管理手法を採用することが生産性を向上させると決定した)


decide 文法事項

decide to 不定詞(do)  意味・例文・使い方

