clean 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文で習得しよう!

比較級 最上級

clean 比較級 最上級を豊富な例文で習得しよう!

cleanは頻繁に目にする単語の一つではないでしょうか?今回はcleanの比較級 最上級についてお伝えしたいと思います。

clean 品詞 意味



“clean” は、物や場所が汚れていない、清潔であることを表す言葉です。

The kitchen is clean and tidy.

clean 反対語 対義語

She always keeps her room clean.

keep O C

After a long day at work, a hot shower makes me feel clean and refreshed.

feel 形容詞

The company has a strict policy on clean energy and sustainability.

The new employee’s clean slate allowed him to start fresh in his career.

allow 人 to do

clean 比較級 最上級

“Clean” の比較級と最上級の形は以下のようになります

比較級 (Comparative)


“Clean” の比較級は “cleaner” です。これは、2つの物や場所の清潔度を比較する際に使用されます。もっと清潔であることを示します。


This room is cleaner than the one next door. (この部屋は隣の部屋よりもきれいです。)

最上級 (Superlative)


“Clean” の最上級は “cleanest” です。これは3つ以上の物や場所の中で最も清潔であるものを示す際に使用されます。


The cleanest part of the house is the kitchen. (家の中で最も清潔な部分は台所です。)

clean 比較級 例文

1.Her car is cleaner than mine.

2.The air in the countryside is cleaner than in the city.

3.This restaurant’s kitchen is cleaner than the others in town.

4.The ocean water in this location is cleaner than in many tourist destinations.

5.The public park is cleaner than it was last year thanks to regular maintenance.

6.This shirt is cleaner than the one I wore yesterday.

7.Their classroom is cleaner than ours because they clean it every day.

8.The mountain air is cleaner than the air in the valley below.

9.The lake is cleaner than it used to be after the pollution control measures were implemented.

10.The new apartment complex is cleaner than the old one, which needed renovation.

clean 最上級 例文

1.This hospital has the cleanest facilities in the entire city.

2.Among the contestants, she had the cleanest performance, earning her first place.

3.Their home is the cleanest on the block; you can eat off the floors!

4.The cleanest beaches in the world are often found on remote, uninhabited islands.

5.The cleanest solution to this problem is to start from scratch and redesign the entire system.

6.Her handwriting is the cleanest in the class; it’s easy to read and understand.

7.This bottled water is known for being some of the cleanest and purest available.

8.The cleanest energy source is undoubtedly solar power, as it produces no emissions.

9.Among the five-star hotels in the city, this one is consistently rated as the cleanest.

10.The cleanest way to resolve the dispute was through open and honest communication.

clean 文法事項

clean ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文 (動詞)



