clean 反対語 対義語 意味を豊富な例文でチェックしよう!


clean 反対語 対義語 意味を豊富な例文でチェックしよう!

clean はカタカナでもよく使われる単語ではないでしょうか?今回はcleanの反対語 対義語についてお伝えしたいと思います。

clean 品詞 意味


“clean” は形容詞で「きれいな」「清潔な」「汚れのない」といった意味を持ちます。

The kitchen is so clean that you can eat off the floor. (キッチンはとても清潔で、床で食事をしても大丈夫です。)

clean 比較級 最上級

She always keeps her room clean and organized. (彼女はいつも部屋をきれいで整頓されています。)

keep O C

After a long hike, I took a refreshing, clean shower. (長いハイキングの後、さっぱりとした清潔なシャワーを浴びました。)

long 反対語・対義語

The laundry detergent promises to leave your clothes smelling clean and fresh. (洗濯洗剤は服を清潔で新鮮な香りにすると約束しています。)

The river in that area is known for its clean and crystal-clear water. (その地域の川は、きれいで透明な水で知られています。)

clean 反対語 対義語

“Clean” の反対語は “dirty” です。




“Dirty” は「汚れた」「不潔な」という意味を持ち、何かが汚れている状態を指します。

dirty 反対語・対義語

The children came home from playing outside with dirty clothes.

Please don’t put your muddy shoes on the clean carpet.

The kitchen was a mess after a big cooking session, with dirty dishes everywhere.

The car got dirty from driving through the muddy roads during the rainstorm.

during 使い方

I need to wash my hands; they’re dirty after working in the garden.

Her clothes were stained and dirty from the spilled coffee.

The factory’s smokestacks released dirty emissions into the air.

The river was polluted, and the water appeared brown and dirty.

The public restroom was in a dirty and unsanitary condition.

After the hiking trip, our shoes were caked with mud and were extremely dirty.

The windows were covered in dirt, making it difficult to see outside.

make O C 意味・例文・使い方・問題

The dog rolled around in the garden and came back home all dirty.

The old book had yellowed pages and a dirty, torn cover.

The restaurant’s kitchen failed a health inspection due to dirty utensils and poor sanitation.

My computer screen had fingerprints and smudges all over it, making it look dirty.

clean 文法事項

clean ing形 現在・過去進行形 例文 (動詞)

